Alexandra Bell
I found Alexandra Bell's convocation speech to be really interesting. I think she is the best visiting artist that I have seen at Lawrence because her work is not only so amazing, but she was a fabulous and relatable speaker. Her ability to disrupt the common narrative through her art is something I haven't seen within a lot of public pieces. The addressing of urgent public issues through large publications of the media causes us to question how we publish stories and focus of violence within the media. Her creative ability to show the counter narratives and bias within newspapers and media is beautifully powerful.
Her work makes me think a lot about scale within my own installation. My piece is little images that together make a large piece, but her's is the opposite. It's large and grand and takes one newspaper and plasters it largely through public art. It makes me question my work and the importance of scale, but also about what my work stands for and who or what it advocates for. It reminds me how important art can be and what it can do to change the world around us.
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